
UDK: 69.009.182:624.041
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 57 (2005) 6
Paper type: Subject review
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Changes to Construction Act and detailed design conformity certificate

Lino Fučić, Ljubica Čusak


The most significant modifications of and additions to the Construction Act, as approved by the Croatian Parliament in July 2004, are described. They are in most instances related to the procedure for the delivery of building permits. The emphasis is placed on the submission of valid and complete applications and on the quality of detailed design documents, as well as on the responsibilities assumed by clients and designers. A special attention is placed on provisions relating to the already introduced certificate which is issued as a proof of conformity of detailed designs with relevant laws. The term "provision of services at a single location" is introduced instead of the corresponding English phrase "one-stop-shop".

detailed design conformity, Construction Act, modifications of and additions to the Construction Act, provision of services at a single location, building permit


Fučić, L., Čusak, L.: Changes to Construction Act and detailed design conformity certificate, GRAĐEVINAR, 57 (2005) 6


Fučić, L., Čusak, L. (2005). Changes to Construction Act and detailed design conformity certificate, GRAĐEVINAR, 57 (6)

Lino Fučić
Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Ljubica Čusak
Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction,
Construction Sector