
UDK: 656.71.001.1:624.94

Published: Građevinar 64 (2012) 6
Paper type: Professional paper
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Passenger terminal construction at Zagreb airport

Velimir Neidhardt, Jure Radić, Anđelko Vlašić, Nijaz Mujkanović, Branko Kincl


The design solution presented by authors from the Faculty of Architecture and Faculty of Civil Engineering won the first prize award at the international competition organized by the Zagreb Airport. The structure and form of this solution are integrated through multidimensional approach in which individual factors – town planning, environmental aspects, architecture, structure, functionality, and traffic – are not given precedence one over another, but are rather evaluated as a whole made of equal parts. The principal airport building is covered with a fluid steel truss structure, which continuously expands into linear, tubular passenger piers on each side. The terminal building constitutes, together with proper regulation and development of surrounding space, a new dimension of development of the city of Zagreb, and its merger with Velika Gorica.

City of Zagreb, steel structure, shaping, truss, airport


Neidhardt, V., Radić, J., Vlašić, A., Mujkanović, N., Kincl, B.: Passenger terminal construction at Zagreb airport, GRAĐEVINAR, 64 (2012) 6, doi:


Neidhardt, V., Radić, J., Vlašić, A., Mujkanović, N., Kincl, B. (2012). Passenger terminal construction at Zagreb airport, GRAĐEVINAR, 64 (6), doi:


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Neidhardt Velimir
Velimir Neidhardt
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Architecture
Autor Radić WEB
Jure Radić
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
AndelkoVlasic WEB
Anđelko Vlašić
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Mujkanovic Nijaz
Nijaz Mujkanović
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Kincl Branko
Branko Kincl
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Architecture