
UDK: 624.9:691.15
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 58 (2006) 11
Paper type: Subject review
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Use of technical textiles in building engineering

Ljudmila Koprivec, Martina Zbašnik-Senegačnik, Jože Kušar


Starting from the assertion that the use of textiles in construction is not a novelty, the authors emphasize that developments in this field are marked by transition from natural to artificial types of fabric, and that this transition took place in keeping with the changes in construction systems. Types of technical textile fabrics are presented, and their basic features are described. The use of technical textiles in building engineering is presented on three building types. It is emphasized that new materials encourage use of new approaches in the design and shaping of space and man-made structures.

artificial fabrics, construction system, technical textiles, building, building engineering, civil engineering, fabrics


Koprivec, L., Zbašnik-Senegačnik, M., Kušar, J.: Use of technical textiles in building engineering, GRAĐEVINAR, 58 (2006) 11


Koprivec, L., Zbašnik-Senegačnik, M., Kušar, J. (2006). Use of technical textiles in building engineering, GRAĐEVINAR, 58 (11)

Ljudmila Koprivec
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Architecture
photo of author Martina Zbasnik Senegacnik WEB
Martina Zbašnik-Senegačnik
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Architecture

Jože Kušar
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Architecture