
Published: Građevinar 76 (2024) 6
Paper type: Scientific research paper
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Oblique pullout of strip anchor embedded in layered sandbed

Rakesh Shambharkar, Srinivasan Venkatraman, Santhoshkumar Gunasekaran, Pareese Pathak


This study analyzes the vertical and oblique pullout behavior of a strip anchor plate horizontally embedded in homogeneous and two-layered sandy soil layers. The analysis was performed using the limit equilibrium method combined with Kötter’s equation. The research results concerning the pullout capacity of the anchor are presented using a dimensionless parameter known as the pullout factor (K = Pu/γavgb2, where Pu is the gross pullout load, γavg is the weighted average unit weight of two layers of soil, and b is the width of the anchor plate). The findings indicate that the value of the pullout factor increases as the angle of oblique pullout increases for a given embedment depth, and a significant reduction in the pullout capacity is observed at lower embedment depths for a particular friction angle. The study also investigated the impact of various parameters, such as the unit weight of the soil, internal friction, embedment depth, and orientation of the tie rod. A comprehensive parametric analysis was conducted to understand these effects in detail. The outlined approach, based on Kötter’s equation, provides a simplified method for anticipating the optimal design and placement of anchors in sandy soils. This study serves as a foundational step toward achieving effective anchor design and installation strategies in sand-based environments.

anchors, failure load, Kötter’s equation, limit equilibrium, optimization, pullout


Shambharkar, R., Venkatraman, S., Gunasekaran, S., Pathak, P.: Oblique pullout of strip anchor embedded in layered sandbed, GRAĐEVINAR, 76 (2024) 6, pp. 503-514, doi:


Shambharkar, R., Venkatraman, S., Gunasekaran, S., Pathak, P. (2024). Oblique pullout of strip anchor embedded in layered sandbed, GRAĐEVINAR, 76 (6), 503-514, doi:


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This paper is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Rakesh Shambharkar
Visvesvaray National Institute of Technology
Department of Civil Engineering
3848 2 Srinivasan WEB
Srinivasan Venkatraman
Visvesvaray National Institute of Technology
Department of Civil Engineering
3848 3 Santhoshkumar WEB
Santhoshkumar Gunasekaran
Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar
Department of Infrastructure
3848 4 Pathak WEB
Pareese Pathak
Visvesvaray National Institute of Technology
Department of Civil Engineering