
UDK: 628.336:624.131.37
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 63 (2011) 1
Paper type: Subject review
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Laboratory testing of waste after biomechanical treatment

Vlasta Szavits-Nossan, Igor Petrović, Damir Štuhec


The authors present results obtained during laboratory testing of basic geotechnical properties of waste subjected to biomechanical treatment, as well as subsequent compressibility testing of this waste in a new oedometer. Properties of this oedometer, preparation of specimens, and their placement into the oedometer cell, are also presented. Fabrication of this new large-size oedometer, 500 mm in diameter, and 200 mm in height, seldom used in the world for the conduct of geotechnical tests, is described. In addition to their own test results, the authors also provide results obtained by other authors.

large-size oedometer, waste, biomechanical treatment (BMT), laboratory testing, geotechnical properties


Szavits-Nossan, V., Petrović, I., Štuhec, D.: Laboratory testing of waste after biomechanical treatment, GRAĐEVINAR, 63 (2011) 1


Szavits-Nossan, V., Petrović, I., Štuhec, D. (2011). Laboratory testing of waste after biomechanical treatment, GRAĐEVINAR, 63 (1)
Vlasta Szavits Nossan WEB
Vlasta Szavits-Nossan
(Retired Professor)
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Civil Engineering

Igor Petrović
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Geotehnical Engineering in Varaždin

Damir Štuhec
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Geotehnical Engineering