
UDK: 628.39:552.24
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 54 (2002) 5
Paper type: Original scientific paper
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Assessment of rainwater-generated pollution in karst regions

Jure Margeta, Ivana Fistanić, Marija Šarić


Problems of determining average annual values of pollution load generated by rainwater in urban areas are analyzed. The quality of water and coastal sea can not be planned and improved without a proper access to relevant information. Several methods are currently used in this calculation. Typical ones are presented in the paper. However, as the method for calculating an annual pollution load in karst areas has not as yet been developed, the authors present main features of a new method and use Kastela bay to illustrate the method.

water protection, Kaštela bay, rainwater, annual pollution load, karst, populated areas


Margeta, J., Fistanić, I., Šarić, M.: Assessment of rainwater-generated pollution in karst regions, GRAĐEVINAR, 54 (2002) 5


Margeta, J., Fistanić, I., Šarić, M. (2002). Assessment of rainwater-generated pollution in karst regions, GRAĐEVINAR, 54 (5)
margeta WEB
Jure Margeta
University of Split,
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy

Ivana Fistanić
University of Split
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy

Marija Šarić