
UDK: 627.41.069(282.3)
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 62 (2010) 8
Paper type: Professional paper
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Riverbed and waterfall improvement at the Pliva River in Jajce

Zoran Milašinović, Danijela Zovko, Ivana Lukić


Damage to the riverbed and waterfall at the Pliva River is presented, and interventions made in earlier times to try to remedy the damage are described. When developing the conceptual design presented in the paper, the authors started from the idea to ensure both global and local stability of the waterfall, as well as its durability over a longer period of time. Remedial actions made along the riverbed and at the waterfall, in order to meet the basic criterion for continued sedimentation of tufa in the Pliva riverbed, are also described

tufa, remedy, Pliva River, stability, Jajce, riverbed, waterfall


Milašinović, Z., Zovko, D., Lukić, I.: Riverbed and waterfall improvement at the Pliva River in Jajce, GRAĐEVINAR, 62 (2010) 8


Milašinović, Z., Zovko, D., Lukić, I. (2010). Riverbed and waterfall improvement at the Pliva River in Jajce, GRAĐEVINAR, 62 (8)
Zoran M WEB
Zoran Milašinović
University of Sarajevo,
Faculty of Civil Engineering

Danijela Zovko
Integra d.o.o., Mostar

Ivana Lukić
University of Mostar,
Faculty of Civil Engineering