
UDK: 624.5.001.8:624.043
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 61 (2009) 7
Paper type: Preliminary report
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Estimating deflection of cable stay bridges by support vector method

Dean Čizmar, Vlatka Rajčić, Anđelko Vlašić


Authors present a new artificial-intelligence method called the support vector method. The method is used in the classification of samples and for regression analysis. The set of data defining rigidity parameters for cable stay bridges has been selected as an example. When used in the scope of this method, the mentioned data enable estimation of cable stay bridge deflection due to traffic load. The results obtained are compared with real deflection values, and also with deflections obtained by neural network. It is claimed that the method is highly accurate for estimating deflection

traffic load, neural network, cable stay bridge, deflection, artificial intelligence, support vector method


Čizmar, D., Rajčić, V., Vlašić, A.: Estimating deflection of cable stay bridges by support vector method, GRAĐEVINAR, 61 (2009) 7


Čizmar, D., Rajčić, V., Vlašić, A. (2009). Estimating deflection of cable stay bridges by support vector method, GRAĐEVINAR, 61 (7)
cizmar mala WEB
Dean Čizmar
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Rajcic Vlatka WEB
Vlatka Rajčić
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
AndelkoVlasic WEB
Anđelko Vlašić
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering