
Published: Građevinar 70 (2018) 4
Paper type: Professional paper
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Performance tests and evaluation of hydropower plant with double rotating hydropower screw system

Petr Lichtneger, Christine Sindelar, Helmut Habersack, Bernhard Zeiringer, Christian Lechner, Gernot Mayer, Nino Struska, Walter Albrecht


The newly developed Archimedean double screw hydropower concept combines hydroelectric power generation and bi-directional fish passage in a single device. Efficiency tests were conducted at the first commercial facility to verify the design data. The downstream migration possibilities have previously been proven. However, this study demonstrates the operational capability for upstream migration. The hydraulic efficiency of this type of power plant is also determined. This is the first time that the hydraulic performance of this type of plant has been demonstrated.

low-head, hydropower screw, fish-lift, hydraulic efficiency, fish migration


Lichtneger, P., Sindelar, C., Habersack, H., Zeiringer, B. ., Lechner, C., Mayer, G. ., Struska, N. ., Albrecht, W. .: Performance tests and evaluation of hydropower plant with double rotating hydropower screw system, GRAĐEVINAR, 70 (2018) 4, pp. 361-368, doi:


Lichtneger, P., Sindelar, C., Habersack, H., Zeiringer, B. ., Lechner, C., Mayer, G. ., Struska, N. ., Albrecht, W. . (2018). Performance tests and evaluation of hydropower plant with double rotating hydropower screw system, GRAĐEVINAR, 70 (4), 361-368, doi:


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This paper is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
lichtneger WEB
Petr Lichtneger
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
Sindelar WEB
Christine Sindelar
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
habersack WEB
Helmut Habersack
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
zeiringer WEB
Bernhard Zeiringer
Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
lechner WEB
Christian Lechner
VERBUND Hydro Power GmbH, Vienna, Austria
mayer WEB
Gernot Mayer
Hydro-Connect GmbH, Ybbsitz, Austria
struska WEB
Nino Struska
Hydro-Connect GmbH, Ybbsitz, Austria
albrecht WEB
Walter Albrecht
Hydro-Connect GmbH, Ybbsitz, Austria