
UDK: 69.003.12:624.032.22
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 62 (2010) 4
Paper type: Professional paper
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Cost structure of construction work on building projects

Neven Martinec, Nevena Hrnjak Ajduković, Stjepan Bezak


The cost structure of construction work undertaken during realization of building projects is analyzed. A special emphasis is placed on model selection, i.e. on the selection of a proper cost estimation method. The model based on the cost estimate of work is used. The structure of work is described for selected buildings situated in the centre of Zagreb. This structure can be used to estimate either the cost of the entire project, or the cost of individual parts of the project. The comparison of cost structures is presented for selected office-residential buildings.

cost estimation model, cost estimate, construction works, cost comparison, building construction, costs, cost structure


Martinec, N., Ajduković, N. H., Bezak, S.: Cost structure of construction work on building projects, GRAĐEVINAR, 62 (2010) 4


Martinec, N., Ajduković, N. H., Bezak, S. (2010). Cost structure of construction work on building projects, GRAĐEVINAR, 62 (4)

Neven Martinec
Institut IGH d.d.

Nevena Hrnjak Ajduković
Institut IGH d.d.

Stjepan Bezak
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering