
UDK: 624.073:624.04
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 61 (2009) 3
Paper type: Original scientific paper
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Slab damage detection by comparing curvature of relevant deflection areas

Ivana Štimac, Ante Mihanović, Ivica Kožar


The method of slab damage detection by comparing curvature of deflection-related areas of influence, for damaged and undamaged states of structure, is presented in the paper. The applicability of the procedure is analyzed through numerical simulations. The results have shown that the method does not call for a considerable number of measurement points. Two measurement points within a field should be planned for structures with more than one field, while one measurement point per field is considered sufficient for structures spreading over two or more fields.

curvature, measurement point, slab, damage, area of influence, deflection


Štimac, I., Mihanović, A., Kožar, I.: Slab damage detection by comparing curvature of relevant deflection areas, GRAĐEVINAR, 61 (2009) 3


Štimac, I., Mihanović, A., Kožar, I. (2009). Slab damage detection by comparing curvature of relevant deflection areas, GRAĐEVINAR, 61 (3)

Ivana Štimac
University of Rijeka,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Mihanovic Ante
Ante Mihanović
University of Split
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy
Ivica KoE ar WEB
Ivica Kožar
University of Rijeka,
Faculty of Civil Engineering